The Gyrotonic Method is an original and unique movement that addresses the entire person, opening energy pathways, stimulating the nervous system, increasing range of motion, and improving strength, and movement efficancy. This is done with moving the body in spiraling paths of motion, moving from one movement to the next smoothly and efficiently on a specialized line of equipment designed by Juliu Horvath, the Gyrotonic Method creator. Because Gyrotonic equipment is highly adjustable, it can be customized to fit each person’s unique physique and ability, adapting for things such as height, arm/leg length and range of motion. The Gyrotonic method is practiced in a group or private classes under the instruction of a qualified Gyrotonic Trainer.

The Benefits of Gyrotonic:

  • Three-dimensional movements
  • Creates mobility in the joints an spine
  • Stimulates nervous and circulatory systems
  • Effective injury prevention and rehabilitation
  • Strengthens ligaments and tendons within joints
  • Improves scoliosis, muscle imbalances and disc misalignment
  • More supple spine
  • Improved agility and athletic performance
  • Greater inner strength
  • Increased range of motion


The Gyrokinesis Method is a movement method that addresses the entire body, opening energy pathways, stimulating the nervous system, increasing range of motion and creating functional strength through rhythmic flowing movement sequences. It is an original and unique method, which coordinates movement, breath, and mental focus. Gyrokinesis classes can be adapted to fit anyone’s ability. People from all walks of life, including accomplished athletes, fitness enthusiasts, senior citizens, and people recovering from an injury or dealing with a disability take Gyrokinesis classes. By the end of a Gyrokinesis session, one’s entire system is awakened and brought into greater balance. Focus on the breath stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system resulting in a sense of calm, wellbeing, and mental clarity. This is practiced in a group or private classes, moving through exercises sitting on a stool, standing up, or floor work on a mat under the instruction of a certified Gyrokinesis Trainer. These exercises include patterns of arching, curling, and side bending; all coordinated with breath.

Benefits of Gyrokinesis:

  • Builds stamina with low impact on the joints
  • Creates mobility and strength in the joints and spine
  • Stress reducing and meditative
  • Effective injury prevention and rehabilitation
  • Improves balance, coordination and mind-body control
  • Increased range of motion
  • Greater inner strength
  • Improve agility and athletic performance
  • More supple spine